
Roll-ups at the Club from 5 October


Following the publication of Public Health Order Covid-19 (No 2) 2021- Exemption, the North Epping Bowling Club will be available for roll-ups on both greens from Tuesday 5 October.

We are working to have our greens fully operational and hopefully this will occur the following week. We shall advise you as to when and as to what restrictions apply within the next week.

Meanwhile for rollups from  next Tuesday the following will apply:

Strict Conditions

N.B. These conditions have been MANDATED by the Public Health Order:

  1. All participants must be fully-vaccinated.
  2. Everyone must sign in with the QR code (which is located on the main Club door)
  3. A maximum of 12 bowlers are allowed per green.
  4. A maximum of 2 bowlers are allowed per rink.
  5. As much as possible, bowlers must maintain a separation distance of 1.5m from each other.
  6. There must be no socialising immediately before or after the roll-up.
  7. Masks must be worn except when rolling up.

Our Procedure:

  • Roll-ups can occur between 2.30pm and 5.30pm,Tuesdays to Saturdays, starting at any time during that period.
  • Bookings must be made for a particular time by telephoning the Club from 2.00pm on 9868 4482 and bowlers will be allocated a rink and time slot.
  • A roll-up session may last for maximum of 1.5 hours.
  • Each session will cost $5 per bowler.
  • The Club will draw up a booking sheet so as to spread the roll-ups evenly across the rinks and the time-period.
  • Having played their roll-up, bowlers may make a booking for another day/time while at the Club.

Hope to see you all back on the greens very soon!